Best questions to ask a girl in the question game

Like the family question above, this is one of those deep questions that allows her to speak about the nature of her relationship with that person. This will reveal a lot about what qualities she values in a friend, and what friendship means to her.

Is she a deep reader? A TV addict? A film buff? This makes her answer more revealing, and opens up lots of avenues for conversation about the nature of love, romance and relationships. This question definitely moves into deeper territory and requires that you already have a pretty strong rapport. The questions below will help you keep the lines of communication with your girlfriend open, without veering into territory that neither of you is comfortable revealing at this stage.

Rephrasing it to ask how she feels about the concept of marriage in general will get at the same topic, but without the potentially heavy implications. This one helps you better understand what social causes she values, which will also give you a good sense of her overall value structure and beliefs. So learning how she likes to relax — and making sure it matches your own preferred methods for relaxation — is actually pretty essential to a healthy relationship.

But by asking her about the very concept of giving her flowers, you can spark a conversation in which you can find out what flowers she likes, without over-playing your hand. Do you think it would be less lame if they used a more unique flower? What would you want to be handed if you were on that show? Asking your girlfriend about hers will bring you two closer together, and allow you to know her in a way that no one else does.

This is another one that helps you learn valuable information, without any unwanted implications. But asking what kind of person she is will allow you to find out whether her preferred living situation matches yours.

But as your relationship progresses, asking questions about her past allows her to reminisce, and you to paint a fuller picture of how she became the person she is today. Most of us go through a period where we find our summers booking up quickly as our friends and relatives start getting married. Asking your girlfriend to share some of her favorite wedding stories can be a fun way to learn more about what kind of shenanigans she and her friends have gotten up to in the past.

But as your relationship grows, you can begin asking more substantive questions to get a better sense of what her love life has been in the past, which will likely inform what she wants it to be in the future. Much like some of the other questions above, this is really a question about her preferences disguised as a question about her experiences. Movies are all about people. So, her interest is to be with such kind of people—E. Funny, serious, romantic, etc. We all make wrong decisions at different times in life.

On that note, we all love to express that decision to others. We want to save them from that wrong decision. No matters how you look, ask this question to her. Girls love to reply to such questions. How she wants to treat poor people gives you an inside story of her heart. What kind of person is she? You will know all this by just asking this simple question to her. This question is all about knowing what kind of style, the personality she prefers in general. To understand her personality more deeply, you must know her nature more closely on different things.

You will know her better after hearing the answer to this question. You are asking her what she likes most about you. She will not lie and tell you the truth about your personality. This will give you an answer to how she feels about you. Every girl looks guys in a bit different way. She believes in having a stronger bond with people she loves and cares about.

Asking about secrets is not easy. The easy way is to ask an excellent question to her. This question is designed to know if she has any secrets. If you know the answer, you can change it, at least in yourself. So these were the 20 questions to ask a girl. All these questions are designed to trigger her to talk. If she says hand-made, it may be cool to ask her more about the gift and what made it so special!

If she has a different answer than you expected, ask her to elaborate more on why she answered the way she did! Why this is a great question to ask her: Even if you are totally happy with your life, it can be fun to imagine what it would be like to be someone else for a day! This question will probably result in an interesting answer that will help you to learn a lot more about her. Especially if you are hoping to ask her out one day or know someone who is planning to, it is definitely good to know what kind of date she would enjoy the most!

Why this is a great question to ask her: Sometimes people who act like extroverts are actually very private and guarded with their true feelings. If she says she likes to be open with her feelings, you know that she will probably be a great person to talk to if you ever want to have a heart to heart with someone!

Why this is a great question to ask her: This is a great question that will result in a fun blast from the past for both of you! If you have any funny stories or memories about playing this game, she would probably love to hear them!

Why this is a great question to ask her: This is a great question if you want to start a longer conversation. Most people have a lot of opinions on the topic, whether they have any personal anecdotes or not.

If you want to learn more about her, playing 20 questions is a great way to get to know a girl. Sometimes coming up with good questions to ask your crush can be difficult, so we hope that you were able to find some good ideas on this list of 20 questions to ask a girl! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Which is your wildest location to have sex? Funny, intense and very, very personal, such questions will give you an in-depth peek into your girlfriend's personality and preferences.

While asking these questions to her, let her know your answers on the same topics to open up yourself. Your girl will know her guy in and out, and you will know your girl.

Such conversations in the initial stages of a relationship make a foundation for a strong bond later. Sex is an important part of every relationship. It should not come too quick and neither be prolonged. The right time of sexual intimacy and open sexual discussions paves the way for a great relationship. Now that the heat is at its peak, it is time to plunge into your deepest desires.

If you are conversating on the phone, you can have great phone sex, and if you are together, then it is one of those times, you may have a beautiful sexual encounter.

Keeping up with the dirty questions game, there are still few more dirty questions you can ask while making love or while doing foreplay. If on the phone, these questions can just be verbal foreplays before a great climax. Will you let me roll an ice cube down there? Want to try 69 position? Want to try all the Kamasutra positions tonight? Have you done a threesome before?

Whom do you fantasize about when you have sex? Who gave you your first orgasm? What is the most sexually daring thing you have ever done? Have you ever watched another couple have sex with their permission?

Do you prefer watching professional or amateur porn? How many times have you given a blowjob? These questions are the ultimate in a dirty questions game and will get the temperatures soaring high in your bedroom. Enjoy the moment and enjoy your girlfriend. Make sure she enjoys it too. Sexual communication is an excellent way for a very satisfying sex life.

So the next time you want to get your girl seriously wet with some questions, do refer to the ones mentioned above. You can take inspiration from these or frame your own on similar lines!

Me encanta que la mushasha se presta para que practique mis ideas con su ser. Cuiden a sus amistades y si alguien se va, recuerden que todo es un ciclo, nada se queda quieto. Linda semana!! Games People Play. Learn the sensation from both e


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